Quality, Environment and Hygiene

Our Quality and Environmental Policy

  • To raise the service we offer above the international level,
  • By continuously improving our team, providing the best service to our guests and exceeding their expectations,
  • To serve above the specified standards on food safety and to carry out preventive studies,
  • To be an exemplary business for all other businesses in Turkey and to create value,
  • To take security measures at the highest level regarding possible accidents that our employees and guests may experience in our business,
  • To make improvements within the framework of the understanding of how we can serve our guests better in unity and solidarity with our employees,
  • To develop environmental awareness in order to leave a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations,



Our Hygiene Policy

Dear Guest,

You can find the details of our guest, employee health and general hygiene practices, which we have followed carefully in our hotel until today:

Our Hygiene Rules
In order to be more respectful to the environment and to reduce our carbon footprint, it has been decided to provide room cleaning service upon the request of our guests, instead of daily cleaning service. Please send us your room cleaning requests by inserting the relevant card on your door. On the day of cleaning in your rooms, your personal belongings should not be left open as much as possible in terms of personal hygiene.

As Abant Aden Family, our goal is to offer you both a healthy and enjoyable holiday with the services we offer. In line with this goal, we would like to inform you that the following practices are carried out regularly:

Employee Health and Education
All of our employees are regularly checked for health. In addition, new trainings will be organized by our business for our team in case of additional requirements.

Alcohol-based liquid disinfectants are offered to our hotel guests for hand hygiene in all common areas of our hotel.

All cleaning and protective materials used within the scope of our hotel are TSE certified hygienic and disinfectant products. The measures taken are implemented by taking into account the relevant circulars of the Ministry of Health and the hygiene policy of our hotel.

Our experienced and reliable cleaning team disinfects all rooms according to hygiene rules.

Our rooms are cleaned with TSE, Ministry of Health and World Health Organization approved cleaning materials and disinfectant products.

After each stay in our rooms, hygiene studies are carried out against bacteria and viruses with a disinfectant with nano silver ion technology. The product we use is a product that is scientifically proven, does not harm human health, does not contain alcohol and heavy metals, and is long-lasting. Please contact our front office team to see the certificates of the product we use in this application.

In order to keep your hygiene at the highest level and to be more respectful to nature, QR code has been used for room information.

We are waiting for you in Abant Aden to enjoy your holiday in a healthy and hygienic hotel.


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